Having recently graduated from Central State University, with a bachelors in business administration focusing on entrepreneurship, I'm committed to bring those skills back to my community through the Ron Wallace Football Camp. Founded as a non-profit in 2016, Ron Wallace Football Camp focuses on youth development in Flint, Michigan. Over time, the Camp began to focus on community awareness and the development of important life skills. Lessons learned from sports often times carry over to everyday life experiences. This led to the development of Wallace Sports which inspire the youth of Flint to become the best version of themselves, while promoting positive lifestyles. Wallace Sports aims to offer additional services outside of athletic training, including academic assistance, financial literacy, mental health awareness, political awareness, and more. 


Since the first Ron Wallace Football Camp in the summer of 2017, we have partnered with the local school district and local, national and international businesses and nonprofit organizations.


As the founder and CEO of Wallace Sports, it is an honor and privilege to continue working in the Flint community. We look forward to further developing our foundation and helping build up our community.



Ronald T Wallace Jr.

Founder and CEO


We've held football camps both in person and virtual since 2017 in partnership with local community organizations and businesses. In 2020, we held our first backpack giveaway, multiweek community clean up, and trunk-or-treat. For more details on other events that we've had, click on the Past Events button.


Youth Football Camp

Fun for the Kids



Community Development